Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry christmas to us

So we were back at the Beach house this week. John undercoated the celling and areas on the walls that the paint just wasn't covering up some marks.

But when we arrived there was a pretty bad smell around the van. By the second day we couldn't stand it and John and Tommy went in search... They found a dead rabbit under the van. Tommy being a hero did the deed and got under the van and got it out. We really have to fix the slats so no other animal can get under it

We spent some time down at the beach and Molly the Jones doggy loved playing in the water


 We are loving our little beach shack. The kids gave John and I a $200 Delete repeated word gift card so guess whos going to go and furnish the beach shack lol.

Have a Fab Chrissy and a amazing 2017
Love the Browns.

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